Mexican Mole Lizard.

Image from here.

The Mexican mole lizard (Bipes biporus), commonly known as the five-toed worm lizard, or simply as Bipes, is a species of amphisbaenian, which is from Baja California, Mexico.

According to Urban legend these creatures “enter your body by the most unspeakable means”, while on the toilet.

These egg laying earth-worm like lizards have only two front arms which they use along with their strong head to dig underground burrows where they spend most of their life. They are in-fact harmless.

250px-Yellow-Circle-grey_centre.svgDigital Object – Online sources (for more information: The Reptile Database).


The Mole People

The idea of ‘Mole People’ living underground is both urban folklore and reality. In Film and Television, they are usually appear as monster-like creatures.


The Mole People myth is thought to stem from urban myths. The are a number of video’s, articles and books on the subject suggest this is an American phenomenon, that occurs in particular within New York but also other large cities such as Las Vegas and Chicago. As shown in this short film ‘Tunnel People’ by Journeyman Pictures (2011).

Jennifer Toth wrote a book on the subject in 1993. Her claims have been contested by some since (here is a link to just one).


triangle2Physical Object borrowed from non UCL Museum collection. Available to view (Toth’s book is here in the British Library).

250px-Yellow-Circle-grey_centre.svgDigital Object – Online sources.

physical objectPhysical Object available to view/buy.

Mole Feet Amulets

L0069170 Amulet from the Lovett Archive

These two mole’s feet were carried in a pocket as an amulet to protect from toothache, collected in England (around 1933). They are part of the Pitt Rivers Museum. For much more details on this object and to see related objects please visit their online catalogue.

Image credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images

250px-Yellow-Circle-grey_centre.svgDigital Object – Online sources.

triangle2Physical Object borrowed from non UCL Museum collection. Available to view (Here in the Pitt Rivers Museum Catalogue).

The Intelligent Mole

A ‘Mole’ is another name for a spy.

We know them best via the government agency’s MI6, the CIA and Mossad. These intelligence agency’s have become popularised through film and television programmes, such as ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’ by John Le Carré (1974).

This is a trailer from the film adapted from Le Carré‘s book (2011). Director: Tomas Alfredson. For full film credits click here.

If you wish to know more the CIA produced this review:

U-Oct 1993- Of Moles – Molehunters – A Review of Counterintelligence Literature- 1977-92 -v2

triangle2Physical Object borrowed from non UCL Museum collection. Available to view (Le Carré‘s book is here in the British Library).

physical object Physical Object available to view/buy .

250px-Yellow-Circle-grey_centre.svgDigital Objects – Online sources